About Us!

We are the very essence of old nags. We are aging disgracefully and constantly whining about the way our decrepit bodies let us down.

The name came first 'TWO OLD NAGS'- we were recuperating from illness and injury and generally feeling fed up! Once we had a name we needed a business to go with it, something part - time - one that wouldn't interfere with an ongoing attempts to become reasonable dressage riders - though we do spend a lot of time talking about rather than doing it.......

Anyhoo - we decided we wanted to do something that made all things equestrian a little more affordable but we didn't want to compromise quality nor did we want to look like old bags.....and TWO OLD NAGS was born.

We found designing socks was lots of fun, and that buying bits and bods for a gift line was even funner! Lately we got fed up paying ridiculous prices for first aid essentials so we are doing a bit to overcome that too!

We spend lots on lessons so this business has a budget - one that means we are working up to the big orders in clothing, footwear and horse gear. We have the samples and are deciding on final tweaks so please keep coming back and checking to see how we grow.........

 Chris and Fiona